Cellumed Co., Ltd.


셀루메드는 국내 여러 제약사 및 해외 CDMO사와 GMP급 RNA 합성효소 개발부터 최종 생산까지 협력하고 있습니다. We’re collaborating with several domestic pharmaceutical companies and international CDMO company
on from development of GMP grade of RNA synthesis enzymes to finally manufacture.​
  • Partners
  • ARTES Biotechnology

    CELLUMED has made a contract with ARTES Biotechnology to accelerate development of GMP-grade production enzymes essential for manufacturing mRNA-based biopharmaceuticals.
  • EYEGENE Inc.

    CELLUMED has made a contract with EYEGENE to collaborate on research and development of COVID-19 mRNA vaccines, and commercialization of these vaccines.
COMPANYCellumed Co., Ltd. TEL+82-70-7603-2436​ FAX+82-70-7603-3690​
ADDRESSRm#402, 130, Digital-ro, Geumcheon-gu, Seoul, Republic of Korea
Cellumed Co., Ltd. All rights reserved.